
Apricot Jam Recipe

Apricot Jam Recipe

The first instalment of apricots from our neighbours.

Our neighbours have had a really good crop of apricots this year and have been donating us their surplus in instalments. They also offered us their tried and tested apricot jam recipe. It is pretty much the standard a pound of sugar per pound of fruit recipe, but they were quite specific on how to process the kernels, and how many to use. We love jam in our house. The children particularly love it. Thinking about it from a child’s point of view, what’s not to love? It’s fruit and sugar, probably their favourite ingredients in the world aside from…

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Making Carrot Wine

Carrot Wine Fermenting

Homemade carrot wine fermenting in a demijohn

I’ve never made carrot wine before, but I have been tempted. I was recently passing a farm that was selling feed carrots for £1.50 a net. I decided to invest this small sum and try to put the carrots to the best use I could. The majority were used as food, but I thought being in possession of so many small and forked carrots was the perfect excuse to give carrot wine a try. I searched online and found a recipe that was being raved about. Generally I refer to Brian Leverett’s Winemaking Month by Month book for all things…

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