Tag Archives: Squashes

The Garden – A Quick Update

Squashes and courgettes in the pumpkin patch.

The area now prepared with a grand total of 7 squash, 5 courgette, 1 pumpkin and 1 patty pan plants all in position.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the garden. Aside from the mammouth tasks of weeding, watering and generally tending to our plants that are already in their final positions, we’ve also planted a lot more out. Our most noteworthy achievement in the last fortnight is probably that we cleared the remainder of the pumpkin patch. We have now, for that whole square area that was lawn, removed all of the turf, turned the soil, forked in manure, made ridges for the plants, and planted out something into all but two of the positions. These final positions will be…

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Official Unveiling of the Pumpkin Patch

Our new pumpkin patch

It’s official: we now have a pumpkin patch! Well, sort of, there are currently no pumpkin plants in it, but there are some squash plants. I just think ‘pumpkin patch’ has more of a ring to it than ‘squash patch’. We were running quite late on Saturday as I ended up helping my dad at the allotment into the early afternoon, and in the end Liz and I didn’t get to work on the garden until the evening. But we made very good use of the three hours or so we spent out there. We removed the turf from a…

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